Scientific advise

The Scientific Advisory Board, made up of experts, provides expertise in scientific and technical fields. Its main mission is to ensure the quality of Value&Co's scientific activities by evaluating projects, recommending strategic orientations and monitoring relevant advances. Thanks to its diversified expertise, it helps to promote scientific excellence and innovation.

Cécile Vacher 

CSR consultant & independent director, CSR support for companies and their governance bodies to ensure that societal issues are taken into account.


Grégoire Germain 

Expert in company valuation and value management. Financial consulting and equity strategy.


Gaud Luneau

CSR expert, multi-capital accounting.


Sana Elwaar 

Experte Data et IA, diplômée ingénieure Central Paris.


Patrick Senicourt

Expert in entrepreneurial finance and rating "big data scientist" business for analyzing the financial performance of SMEs at both individual and macro-economic levels.


Hugues de la Roulière 

Expert in Talents and Human Wealth. CEO of abc-forvalue.


Jacky Ouziel

Consultant et formateur aux Actifs Immatériels Stratégiques. Évaluation de la performance globale, valorisation du capital immatériel via

Henry Peyret

Henry Peyret, expert en technologies de l'information, a étudié l'impact des réseaux sociaux et dirige Wassati, combinant vision et gestion d'entreprise.

Pascal de Clarens

Associate researcher at LEMNA, consultant in strategy and crisis management.


Nicolas Antheaume

Professor of management and accounting for sustainable development, member of LEMNA.


Ariane Favier

Consultant and trainer. Global performance assessment, valuation of intangible capital.
